agosto 2023
diciembre 2020
Fluency in a foreign language
The following is a translation experiment. I wrote this text in order to determine how well on line translation sites work. I used standard, proper, everyday American English.
octubre 2020
Prepositions written together in a sentence/Número de preposiciones seguidas en una frase
In English …
How many prepositions can be written together in a phrase (the phrase must be correct and have a meaning)?
In a listening exercise I heard: «more words for go in for on Twitter». I know «go in for» is a phrsal verb but I do not understand well the meaning of the phrase. Can you explain it please? Four o more prepositions one after the other one are possible in a sentence?
marzo 2018
Addressing waitstaff
While surfing the internet the other day, I came across several videos on YouTube which discussed the form of address (formal vs. informal) that should be used when ordering food in a restaurant and from a food truck. (The food truck was specific to Mexico but the restaurant location was more general — it was left open as to where in the world you were located. It could have been anywhere, in my opinion.)