octubre 2020

Prepositions written together in a sentence/Número de preposiciones seguidas en una frase

Por |2020-10-23T21:59:38+02:0023/10/20|Gramática, Grammar, Preposiciones, Prepositions, Translations|

In English …

How many prepositions can be written together in a phrase (the phrase must be correct and have a meaning)?

In a listening exercise I heard: «more words for go in for on Twitter». I know «go in for» is a phrsal verb but I do not understand well the meaning of the phrase. Can you explain it please? Four o more prepositions one after the other one are possible in a sentence?

Sigue leyendo>

abril 2017

enero 2017

noviembre 2016

Bored with/by/of

Por |2016-11-02T16:28:35+01:0002/11/16|Grammar, Prepositions|

Ésta es una de esas preguntas que te vienen rondando tiempo y que no te atreves a plantear porque son del tipo de preguntas que pueden estar muy manidas y se supone tienen una respuesta clara. Como Blasita me ha dado vía libre y además información adicional (no tienes parangón, chica, gracias), voy a plantear una de ellas en este café.

Which of these expressions should you use: is one of them less acceptable than the others?

Do you ever get bored with eating out all the time?

Delegates were bored by the lectures.

He grew bored of his day job.

The first two constructions, […]

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